Going to Korea, from Mar. 25 until Apr. 7.
Post date: Mar 15, 2018 2:28:19 PM
With the technical support of Korean company (Sentrol Co., Ltd.), staying in Korea for the following period:
From Mar. 25
until Apr. 7, 2018
Although mobile phones are connected, international calling charges are imposed on both sides.
If you are not in a hurry, please contact us via inquiry form or email.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Thank you.
Hagane Kalaquri-ya(刃金からくり屋)
Teruhiko HINAJI, President
Advanced Technology Research Lab. Co., Ltd.
The above picture is taken of the situation around the office.
Since it is around 8 degrees Celsius below freezing, cold weather wear is mainly down coat.
It is rare to find a person wearing a suit and going to work.
Clothes are free. Electronic payment is common and cash is not carried around.
Therefore, few people carry a commuter bag.